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Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write on the topic Changes in the Way of Education. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Changes in the way of education.

As the internet is developing so rapidly, the way of education keeps changing and new forms of education emerge surprisingly. Especially during the pandemic of corona virus,online education has become one of the most important ways of education throughout the world.

The changes in the way of education can be listed as follows.First of all, compared with traditional offline teaching activities, online education gives students the opportunity to study wherever they want, at home or in the park.Moreover, the cost of attending online courses is normally.lower than that of offline ones. Besides, students can choose the perfect time when they are available to attend classes,instead of stubbornly fixing the time required without the possibility of doing any other important thing.

From my perspective, the changes in the way of education mainly lie in the good respects. As one of the fortunate students who live in the age of internet and can get access to online courses, I can'。t help exclaiming: it is the best of times.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write on the topic Changes in the Way of Transportation.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Changes in the way of transportation

As the internet is developing so rapidly, the way of transportation keeps changing surprisingly. New applications on transportation emerge abundantly, contributing to the fact that people’S lifestyle has been changed as well.

The changes in the way of transportation can be listed as follows. First of all, with the development of technology, the price of transportation is much cheaper than before. Moreover,compared with traditional ways of buying tickets, transportation applications and websites give passengers the opportunity to book tickets online without going outside to particular ticket offices. Besides, highspeed railways gradually replace the old-fashioned green trains, which can tremendously improve travelers' comfort during the journey and shorten the time spent on the way.

From my perspective, the changes in the way of transportation mainly lie in the good respects. As one of the fortunate passengers who live in the age of internet and can get access to online service of transportation, I can’t help exclaiming: it is the best of times.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write on the topic Changes in the Way of communication.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180words.


Changes in the way of communication

As the internet is developing so rapidly, the way of communication keeps changing surprisingly. New applications on communication and new social skills emerge abundantly, contributing to the fact that people’s lifestyle has been changed substantially as well.

The changes in the way of communication can be listed as follows.First of all, people used to prefer talking to each other face to face.However, with social networking applications becoming increasingly popular, people are gradually used to communicating with others online. Moreover, making telephone calls, though expensive and inconvenient, was one of the most important ways to keep in touch with those far away. At present, with the popularization of social

networking apps, the cost of texting or calling friends and relatives is much cheaper than before. Besides, intermnet slang is more commonly used in people' s daily life.

From my perspective, we should not easily judge people' s ways of communication, whether they prefer face-to-face communication or they would like to contact people via virtual world, if only the efficiency of communication would not be affected adversely.




It'sa tradition for Chinese to have the family reunion mealon the Spring Festival Eve, which is not only the mostimportant dinner in a year but also the best opportunityfor family reunion ,esp. for those families whose membersLive in different places . The family reunion dinner consistsof a great variety of dishes , some of which carry specialmeanings .Forexample,fishis indispensable as“fish”soundslike“surplus”or“abundant”in Chinese .In manyareas of China , dumpling is also an important dish for itsymbolizes wealth and fortune .



Fish is an indispensable dish for the Spring Festival Evedinner because“fish”soundslike“surplus”or“abundant”in Chinese .Itis for this reason that fish is give nasa giftto friends and relatives during the Spring Festival period .It is said that this symbolic meaning originated fromtraditional Chinese culture . The Chinese people have thetradition of thrift . They believe that the more the ysave,the safer the yfeel.Today, although people becomericher , they still regard thrift as a praiseworthy virtue .


生活在中国不同地区的人们饮食多种多样。北方人主要吃面食,南方人大多吃米饭。在沿海地区,海鲜和淡水水产品在人们饮食中占有相当大的比例,而在其他地区人们的饮食中,肉类和奶制品更为常见。四川、湖南等省份的居民普遍爱吃辛辣 食物,而江苏和浙江人更喜欢甜食。然而,因为烹饪方式各异,同类食物的味道可能会有所不同。

People who live in different areas of China have different kinds of food. Those in the north mainly prefer food made of flour while those in the south mostly eat rice. Along the coastal areas, sea food and fresh water products make up a considerable proportion of people’ s diet whereas in other places, meat and diary products are more common. The residents in Sichuan, Hunan and other provinces favour spicy food, but the citizens in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are fond of sweet food. However, owing to various cooking methods, the same food might taste different.





46.C They did not become popular until the emergenceof improved batteries .

47.B Thefaling prices of e bike batteries .

48.D It will profit from e bike sharing

49.A Retailers 'refusaltodealinebikes.

50.D The younger generation’s pursuit of comfortable riding


51.A Tosway public opinion of the impact of human成activities on Earth

52.C it covers more phenomena

53.D Deliberate choice of words o ass

54.B For greater precision .

55.C Human activities have serious effects on Earth



46 A Whentheydon't have the chance to do what they want

47 D Harmful conduct

48 B Many volunteers choose to hurt themselves ratherthan endure boredom

49 C Itmay promote creative thinking .

50 D Allow oneself sometime to bebored.


51.B Forests are fast shrinking in many developingcountries .

52.C Those that used to have the lowest forest coverage .

53.A Thegovernment's advocacy

54.C Their capability of improving air quality

55. Developed and developing countries are moving in opposite directions



Section B

Poverty is a story about us,not them

36. [E] That comment, says Mothering Justice director Danielle Atkinson,"was meant to shame'"

37. [H] But the fact that 4 in 10 Americans can't come up with$400 in an emergency is a commonly cited statistic for good reason: economic instability strerches across race,gender,and geography.

38. [M]According to the General Social Survey, 71 percent of respondents believe the country is spending too little on "assistance to the poor. "

39. [J] The Frame Works Institute,a research group that focuses on public framing of issues,has studied what sustainsstereotypes and narratives of poverty in the United Kingdom

40. [D] If these are the central characters of our story about poverty,what layers of perceptions,myths,and realities must we unearth to find meaningful solutions and support?

41.[F] How many of us are poor in the U.S.?

42. [N] "Poverty has been interchangeable with people of color - specifically black women and”black mothers, "says.Atkinson of Mothering Justice.

43. [] Negative images remain of who is living in poverty as well as what is needed to move out of it.

44. [E] That comment,says Mothering Justice director Danielle Atkinson,"was meant to shame" .

45. [L] Those external factors include the difficulties accompanying low-wage work or structural discrimination based on race,gender,or ability.


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